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Posted April 06, 2024


Notable statistics about overdentures:

  • - A 10-year observational study found implant supported overdentures in the lower jaw had a survival rate from 91.7-100%.
  • - A 2011 observational study with 203 patients found after 6 months, those with implant supported overdentures reported significantly higher satisfaction than those with conventional dentures.

Wearing dentures can be a great way to restore your smile and function after tooth loss, but it's not without its challenges.
Some of the common troubles and frustrations people experience with conventional dentures:

  • Discomfort and irritation: This can include soreness, gum inflammation, chafing, and burning sensations. It often stems from an ill-fitting denture or improper hygiene.
  • Slipping and instability: Loose dentures can be embarrassing when they become loose, impairing speech and eating. This can happen due to changes in mouth shape, worn-out dentures, or insufficient suction.
  • Difficulty speaking: Pronunciation can be affected, especially for certain sounds like "s" and "f." This takes practice and adaptation.
  • Self-consciousness and loss of confidence: The thought of dentures slipping or becoming visible can cause anxiety and social withdrawal.

Consider the use of an Implant Anchored Overdenture.

An overdenture is a removable denture that is snapped onto dental implants using a ball and socket or a bracket. Unlike traditional dentures that rest on the gums, overdentures are anchored to implants, providing a more stable and comfortable fit.

Two implant anchored overdenture

(Provides good support, encourages bone retention, removable for easy cleaning)

Four implant anchored overdenture

(Provides greater support and stability, bone retention, and longevity)

The benefits of implant anchored overdenture.

  • More cost-effective solution: Implant overdentures cost much less than implant supported fixed restorations such as an All-on-4 or All-on-x.
  • Improved stability and retention: Overdentures will not move around or slip out of your mouth like traditional dentures, which can be embarrassing and uncomfortable.
  • Slows down bone loss: Implants in the overdenture help preserve jaw bone and prevent bone reabsorption.
  • Enhanced chewing ability: The improved stability of overdentures allows you to chew more effectively, which can lead to better digestion and a wider variety of foods you can enjoy.
  • Clearer speech: Traditional dentures can sometimes affect your speech, but overdentures can help you speak more clearly and confidently.
  • Improved self-confidence: Knowing that your dentures are secure and won't slip can give you a boost in self-confidence and allow you to participate more fully in social activities.

For more information, contact Samoset Family Dental at 508-746-4456 or schedule a consultation online!

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